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Information for Shareholders


Principal Consultants

Nomad Specialist   Nomad Specialist
Consulente della Comunicazione   Communication Consultant



(“Sistemi di Diffusione delle Informazioni Regolamentate” - Systems of Dissemination of Regulated Information)

SDIR-NIS managed by Blt Market Services
(a member company of the London Stock Exchange Group, P.zza Affari, No. 6, Milan)


Internal dealing

Internal Dealing Notice dated 01/07/2016 - Bruno Boscaini

Internal Dealing Notice dated 25/03/2022 - Red Circle Investments Srl

Internal Dealing Notice dated 15/03/2024 - Sandro Boscaini

Internal Dealing Notice dated 15/03/2024 - Bruno Boscaini

Internal Dealing Notice dated 15/03/2024 - Mario Boscaini


Fondazione MasiMasi Investor Club